Anatomy Technology

Learning Objectives: Participants will (be able to): 1. Participants will be able to identify technologies that we are currently using in the anatomy curriculum, and then discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies to maximize their utility in the learning of anatomy. Technologies that we currently make available to the students include 1) a UCHC radiology website created by Dr Moskowitz, 2) online databases of anatomical structures created by UCHC medical students, with self-tests, 3) an online module created by a UCHC medical student, aimed at identifying facial planes, and the spread of infection in the head and neck, 4) dissection videos, and 5) imaging modalities such as bronchoscopy and echocardiography, presented as demonstrations. 2. Participants will be able to discuss additional technologies that may be useful in the learning of anatomy. Particular attention will focus on technologies that have been reported in peer-reviewed journals to improve the learning of anatomy. 3. Participants will be able to discuss strategies for incorporating 3-D radiology and 3-D anatomy simulations into the anatomy curriculum.